
Monday 29 June 2020

Dry Sandford Pit and Parsonage Moor - 26 June

1 White-legged Damselfly at Dry Sandford Pit and Parsonage Moor.

Chris Lamsdell

 White-legged Damselfly(c) Chris Lamsdell

Sunday 28 June 2020

Trap Grounds - 28 June

2 Southern Hawkers emerging
1 Common Darter

Nicola Devine

Emergent Southern Hawker (c) Nicola Devine

Goring Heath - 26 June

7 Small red-eyed Damselfly

Roger Wyatt per Oxon Wildlife Blog

Yarnton - 25 June

6 Variable Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Azure Damselfly

Roger Wyatt per Oxon Wildlife Blog

Cothill Fen - 24 June

Keeled Skimmer
Southern Damselfly

Roger Wyatt per Oxon Wildlife Blog

Saturday 27 June 2020

Otmoor - between Oddington & Noke - 26 June pm

During a 2 hr visit:
A brief view of a Migrant Hawker adult male type – along inside the ditch (on the west side of the path) just where a little open immediately after the bridge and just north the pool on the east side of the path.

Chris Lamsdell

Friday 26 June 2020

Faringdon Folly Park Pond - 25 June

Emperor: 2m & 1f ovopositing
Four-spotted Chaser 2
Azure and Red-eyed Damsels

Stephen Burch

Otmoor - between Oddington & Noke - 26 June

09:00 - 12:15:
No sign of anything resembling an SMH 😞😞😞
10+ Brown Hawker
1m & 1f Emperor inc ovipositing
20+ Banded Demoiselle - along the river Ray
Numerous Ruddy Darter, mostly immatures

i.e. much the same as yesterday, minus the possible SMHs!

Stephen Burch

Stanford-in-the-Vale: 25 June

1 Broad-bodied Chaser - over garden pond only 2 weeks old!

Barry Hudson

Broad-bodied Chaser (c) Barry Hudson

Culham Cut - 25 June

17 White-legged Damselflies including one pair.
70 Common Blue Damselflies
18 Banded Demoiselles
14 Red-eyed Damselflies
8 Blue-tailed Damselflies
3 Brown Hawkers
1 Emperor

Brian Walker

White-legged Damselflies (c) Brian Walker

Thursday 25 June 2020

Trap Grounds - 22 June

1 emergent Southern Hawker

Nicola Devine

Southern Hawker (c) Nicola Devine

Otmoor - between Oddington & Noke - 25 June

10:00 - 12:45
Southern Migrant Hawker:  2 probables in flight very briefly by gates at 11:30, 1 probable also in flight 12:15. Too hot for them to settle!😞
1 Emperor
5+ Brown Hawker
5+ Four-spotted Chaser over pool near river on east side of track
100's Ruddy Darter (mostly immatures)

Click here for a larger version of this photo
Ruddy Darter (c) Stephen Burch

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Earth Trust, Little Whittenham - 24 June

8 Banded Demoiselles
3 Red-eyed Damselflies
1 Azure Damselfly
>30 Blue-tailed Damselflies
19 White-legged Damselflies (including one pair in cop)
4 Emperor Dragonflies
2 Black-tailed Skimmers

John Bloomfield

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Otmoor, 23rd June

Common Blue Damselfly 50+
Banded Demoiselle 2
Emperor Dragonfly 2
Brown Hawker 1
Southern Migrant Hawker 2 immatures
Four-spotted Chaser 1
Ruddy Darter 20+

The first SMH was at grid ref SP 5519 1391, where it stayed hung up in the hedge for about 45 minutes, and the other was at SP 5554 1480, and was only seen flying.

Immature male Southern Migrant Hawker © David Hastings (note twisted abdomen)

Immature male Southern Migrant Hawker © David Hastings

Male Brown Hawker © David Hastings

Grove Wick Farm - 23 June

 SU403910 - Letcombe Brook the collapsed bridge that runs from the smallholding out alongside Williams F1.
3 Beautiful (2m 1f) and 6 Banded (4m 2 f) Demoiselles

Mark Bradfield

Beautiful Demoiselle (c) Mark Bradfield

Monday 22 June 2020

Southern Migrant Hawker - Otmoor 22 June

3+  (2m, 1f) Southern Migrant Hawker

Same spot: On bridleway between Noke and Oddington. Approx SP 5523 1404.

About 100m south of the Old River Ray weir,  there are gates either side of the bridleway which are also at the north end of a flowering Linseed field.

Also I was lucky enough to see an Otter in the Ray just before the weir (coming from Oddington).

Wayne Bull
Jason Coppock
Geoff Wyatt et al

Immature female Southern Migrant Hawker (c) Wayne Bull

Immature female Southern Migrant Hawker (c) Geoff Wyatt

Sunday 21 June 2020

Southern Migrant Hawker - Otmoor 21 June

1 Southern Migrant Hawker. Seen briefly this afternoon at the same spot.

Roger Wyatt

Saturday 20 June 2020

Radley Lakes, 20th June

Seen at Orchard Lake 14:15 - 16:00

Common Blue Damselfly 50+
Blue-tailed Damselfly 14+
Red-eyed Damselfly 10+
Common Emerald Damselfly 2m,1f
Emperor Dragonfly 3
Brown Hawker 2
Black-tailed Skimmer 10+
Ruddy Darter 20+ (immatures)

Common Emerald Damselfly (imm ♂) © David Hastings

Emperor Dragonfly (with butterfly prey) © David Hastings

Ruddy Darter (imm ♀) © David Hastings

Southern Migrant Hawker - Otmoor 20 June

1 Southern Migrant Hawker

Now fully confirmed ID. Same location as on the 15 June.

Seen about 13:15.

Geoff Wyatt

No sign later. Up to 7 people at this dragonfly twitch!

Southern Migrant Hawker (c) Geoff Wyatt

Southern Migrant Hawker - Otmoor 15 June

A report of an immature male Southern Migrant Hawker from Otmoor on 15 June, from Geoff Wyatt, per Jason Coppock.

On bridleway between Noke and Oddington. Approx SP 5523 1404

No sign on 16th June despite prolonged search. Nor any sign 20th June am.

This is a first for Oxon!

Immature male Southern Migrant Hawker (c) Geoff Wyatt

Sunday 14 June 2020

Stadhampton Meadows 16:30 - 17:50 - 14th June

Banded Demoiselle

1 Emperor Dragonfly
25 Banded Demoiselle (15 male, 10 fem)
3 Blue-tailed Damselfly
2 Red-eyed Damselfly

Friday 12 June 2020

Summertown, Oxford - 12 June

Southern Hawkers emerging from our garden pond despite the weather.

Jeremy Dexter

Southern Hawker (c) Jeremy Dexter

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Poughley Farm, East Hanney - 1 June

60+ Banded Demoiselle SU 41703 93457,
1 Broad Bodied Chaser (male) over nearby pond

Mark Bradfield

Letcombe Reed Swamp (Local wildlife site) - 9 June

 1 Beautiful Demoiselle , SU 38842 87021

Mark Bradfield

Sunday 7 June 2020

Long Whittenham

By weir on R Thames SU540941:
1 Black-tailed Skimmer
5+ Red-eyed Damselfly
2+ Common Blue Damselfly
1 Blue-tailed Damselfly

Just below Clifton Hampden bridge  SU546953
20+ Red-eyed Damselflies on lily pads
3 Common Blue Damselfly

Stephen Burch

River Thames at Farmoor, 7th June

Banded Demoiselle 3
Common Blue Damselfly 35+
Azure Damselfly 3
Red-eyed Damselfly 4
Emperor Dragonfly 5
Four-spotted Chaser 3
Black-tailed Skimmer 1

Four-spotted Chaser ♂© David Hastings

Saturday 6 June 2020

River Thames near Buscot - 31 May

Banded Demoiselle
Red-eyed Damselfly

Click here for a larger image
Banded Demoiselle (c) Stephen Burch

Friday 5 June 2020

Goring Railway Bridge - 28 May

Belated photo of an Emperor in flight:

Click here for a larger image

Emperor (c) Stephen Burch

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Parsonage Moor - 2 June

Keeled Skimmer 2m/1f
Southern Damselfly 10+

Daniel Moden

Southern Damselfly (c) Daniel Moden
Keeled Skimmer (c) Daniel Moden

Trap Grounds, Oxford 2 June

1f  Hairy Dragonfly ovipositing in Heron Pond 
1m Beautiful Demoiselle
1f Beautiful Demoiselle
1m Banded Demoiselle
At least 2 ma Hairy Dragons around the main Swan Pond
A few Large Reds about and plenty of Azures/Common Blues

Nicola Devine

Female Beautiful Demoiselle (c) Nicola Devine 
Female Hairy Dragonfly (c) Nicola Devine

Radley - 2 June

1 Black-tailed Skimmer

Mark Chivers

Black-tailed Skimmer (c) Mark Chivers

Dry Sandford Pit, 2nd June

Emperor Dragonfly 2
Broad-bodied Chaser 2
Keeled Skimmer 1

Immature male Keeled Skimmer © David Hastings

Culham Cut, 2nd June

Banded Demoiselle 8
Common Blue Damselfly 25
Red-eyed Damselfly 2
Blue-ailed Damselfly 1
Emperor Dragonfly 1
Black-tailed Skimmer 3

No sign of any White-legged Damselflies.

Black-tailed Skimmer ♂© David Hastings