
Sunday 29 August 2021

Trap Grounds, Oxford - 28 August

In the meadows:

Southern Hawker 2 
Migrant Hawker 1
Ruddy/Common Darter  1-2

Swan pond:

Emerald Damselfly 1
Blue-tailed Damsels 2
Southern & Migrant Hawkers: at least 5
Ruddy/Common Darter: large numbers

No sign yet of any Willow Emeralds

Nicola Devine

Blue-tailed Damselflies (c) Nicola Devine

Emerald Damselfly (c) Nicola Devine

Saturday 28 August 2021

Bodicote - 26 August

1m Emerald Damselfly in garden pond


Wayne Bull

Emerald Damselfly (c) Wayne Bull


Thursday 26 August 2021

Standlake Common - 26 August

Common Blue Damsels - a few left
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 3

Migrant Hawker (c) Stephen Burch

Lye Valley SSSI - 1 August

 Belated report of a male Keeled Skimmer at the Lye Valley SSSI.

There is also a report of an immature at that site earlier in the year, and there was also a sighting last summer. Further details in due course.

Note this site is another fragment of alkaline fen, as found at the Cothill reserves and Sydlings Copse.

Judy Webb

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Bernwood Meadows - 24th Aug

 Good numbers of Migrant Hawker flying this morning behind the hedge along the Oxon / Bucks boundary

Migrant Hawker (immature)

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Otmoor - Oddington to Noke: 24 August

2+ Small Red-eyed Damsels in pool just south of the weir, on the E side of the track. NB this formerly productive pool is now heavily polluted and smells strongly. Slurry courtesy of the local farmer? It is outside of the RSPB reserve area

20+ Migrant Hawker
10+ Brown Hawker
10+ Southern Hawker
Ruddy & Common Darters in large numbers.

No sign of any Southern Migrant Hawkers (again)!

Stephen Burch

Monday 23 August 2021

Shillingford - 23 August

R. Thames transect at Shillingford. Banded Demoiselle 5, Common Blue Damselfly 1, Blue-tailed Damselfly 1, Brown Hawker 2, Common Darter 7, Ruddy Darter 3.

Common Darter (c) John Bloomfield

Sydlings Copse - 15 August

 Belated report via iRecord:

1 Keeled Skimmer!


Will Langdon

No photo available to confirm ID, but observer had a good view and is familiar with the species. Also the site is an alkaline fen, as found at the Cothill reserves, which are the stronghold of this species in Oxon. There are however very few records away from those reserves. 

Thursday 19 August 2021

Southern Hawker exuviae in 2020 & 2021 - Steeple Aston

Many thanks to Deborah Dunn for reporting data on the daily number of exuviae at her garden pond in Steeple Aston. 

The plot below compares the numbers of exuviae she found daily in 2020 with those in 2021. This shows that the exuviae were 14 days later, on average, this year, compared with 2020. Also the total number counted this year (29) were well down on last years impressive total of 40 (the pond is only 2.5m x 1.0m with a maximum depth of 0.4m). 

It is really useful to have these observations which provide some quantitative data on Southern Hawker emergences. It certainly confirms subjective impressions that the season was much later to get going this year than in the exceptionally early one last year. It is interesting to see this effect is present for a mid-season species such as Southern Hawker, as well as the early ones.

Examples of "hard" numbers which allow quantitative monitoring of changes in numbers and timing in the dragonfly field are few and far between, so I feel this is an especially valuable study. 

It is great to hear that Deborah is planning to continue her observations in future, and it will be fascinating to see what trends emerge! 

Click on the image to get a larger, clearer version.

Stephen Burch

Daily counts of Southern Hawker exuviae in 2020 and 2021

The pond from which all these Southern Hawkers emerged!

Sunday 15 August 2021

Otmoor Roman Road - 15 August

1m, 1f Southern Hawker
10s Ruddy/Common Darter

James Wainscoat

Male Southern Hawker (c) James Wainscoat

Female Southern Hawker (c) James Wainscoat

Thursday 12 August 2021

Otmoor - 12 August

1m Willow Emerald Damselfly

Track east from Oddington: SP56943 14558

Jeremy Dexter

Willow Emerald Damselfly (c) Jeremy Dexter

Faringdon Folly Park Pond - 11 August

 Brief visit in marginal conditions

c. 10 Blue-tailed Damselfly
2 Emperor

No sign of any Small Red-eyed Damsels!

Stephen Burch

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Radley Lakes - 11 August

1 SMALL RED DAMSELFLY (Male). SU5201096993. One of very few Oxon records away from Cothill
6 Emerald Damsels all males
7 Common Blue Damsels
3 Azure Damsels
20+ Red Eyed Damsels
14 Blue Tailed Damsels
1 Emperor Dragonfly
1 Brown Hawker
5 Common Darter
6 Ruddy Darter

Wayne Bull

Friday 6 August 2021

Orchard Lake, Radley - 4 August

1 Emerald Damselfly
Brown Hawker, 
Black-tailed Skimmer, 
Ruddy and Common Darter

All dragonflies present in good numbers

Mark Bradfield

Emerald Damselfly (c) Mark Bradfield

Thursday 5 August 2021

Otmoor, 5th August

Along the track from Oddington towards Noke this morning :

Small Red-eyed Damselfly : 1
Southern Migrant Hawker : 1 male (at about SP5508213627)
Southern Hawker : 3 males, 1female
Brown Hawker : 3
Common Darter : 10
Ruddy Darter : 10

Southern Migrant Hawker © David Hastings

Southern Hawker © David Hastings

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Grove Meadows Stormwater Pond - 4 August

Small Red-eyed Damselfly 100+
Blue-tailed Damselfly c. 10
Common Blue Damselfly c. 5
Emperor 2m+
Ruddy, Common Darters

Stephen Burch

Small Red-eyed Damselfly (c) Stephen Burch

Wantage - Scantlebury Way Stormwater Pond - 4 August

Algal mats replaced by a strange red coloured substance (presumed algal bloom - see below)

Azure Damselfly 4+
Blue-tailed Damselfly 5+
Emperor 1m, 2f ovipositing
Common Darter 6+

Stephen Burch

Presumed red algal bloom (c) Stephen Burch

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Boundary Brooks NR - 3 August

Before the clouds rolled in: 

Common Blue/Azure Damsels 1-2
Common Darter 20+
Southern Hawker 1m, 1f ovipositing

Stephen Burch

Common Darter (c) Stephen Burch

Southern Hawker - ovipositing on my boot! (c) Stephen Burch

Monday 2 August 2021

Pond at Boars Hill - 2 August

1m Emerald Damselfly
3 Blue-tailed Damselflies
3 Ruddy Darter 
1 Southern Hawker ovipositing

SP483026. The pond is publicly accessible, believed to be owned by the Oxford Preservation Trust. It is located at the junction of Sandy Lane and Ridgeway.

James Wainscoat

 Emerald Damselfly (c) James Wainscoat
Southern Hawker (c) James Wainscoat