
Tuesday 31 October 2023

Radley Lakes, 30 October

1 Willow Emerald (male)
12+ Common Darter

Wayne Bull

Letcombe Valley NR, 31 October

1m Southern Hawker - patrolling the small pond at the N entrance SU377860

Stephen Burch

Monday 30 October 2023

Wroxton College Lakes, 30 October

1 Willow Emerald Damselfly 
6 Common Darter including a pair in tandem

Steve Holliday 

Saturday 28 October 2023

Childrey, 28 October

At duck pond SU361875 in the cool noon sun:

1 Common Darter

Stephen Burch

Friday 27 October 2023

Ardington, 27 October

Crossing School Road, just W of NavTech SU427881:

1 Hawker sp, presumed Migrant

Just before it started raining.

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Lockinge, 24 October am

In the cool morning sun at the pool by the weir SU426877 there was still a little activity:

1 Migrant Hawker 
1 Common Darter on fence by pool below the weir

Stephen Burch

Sunday 22 October 2023

Wroxton College Lakes 22 October

Willow Emerald 11+ including 2 pairs in tandem, one with female ovipositing on Wych elm
Migrant Hawker 2m
Common Darter 6

Steve and Gill Holliday 

Standlake, 22nd October

Near the gate leading to the Langley Lane hide (SP391018) :

Southern Hawker 1
Common Darter 1

Cholsey Meadows - 22 October am

c 7 Willow Emeralds, 2 pairs in cop
2 Migrant Hawker 
Common Darter (many)
Southern Hawker

Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald Damselfly © Alan Dawson

Lockinge - 22 October am

In the warm morning sun at the pool by the weir SU426877 :

5+ Migrant Hawkers (highest count at this site!)
3+ Common Darter

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Port Meadow 17th October

 2 Common Darter enjoying the sunshine along the path from Aristotle Lane to Burgess Field gate

Sunday 8 October 2023

Cholsey Marsh, 8 October

Willow Emerald: Oviposition scars on about 7 branches

Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald oviposition scars © Alan Dawson

Lockinge & Ardington - 8 October

 Lockinge: Pool by weir SU426877

2 Migrant Hawker
1 Ruddy Darter (on fence by path)
c. 4 Common/Ruddy Darter

Ardington: Pool to south of village SU430882

1f Willow Emerald (only the 2nd seen at this site this year)
1 Common Darter with remarkably red pterostigma

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Cholsey Meadows, 3 October

Willow Emerald Damselfly: at least 4 pairs in cop
Many Common Darter ovipositing
Migrant Hawker
Southern Hawker

Alan Dawson 

Willow Emerald Damselflies (c) Alan Dawson