
Thursday 23 November 2023

Lockinge, 23 November

3+ Common Darter

1 on the fence by the weir, and 1 tandem pair ovipositing in the pool! SU426877

Are there going to be any December dragonfly records this year, anyone?  

If so, I am pretty sure that would be a county first. 

Also a Red Admiral nearby and 1 Brimstone on the footpath to the SE of Ardington SU435881!

Stephen Burch 

Friday 17 November 2023

Lockinge - 17 November

 On fence by weir trying to warm up in the weak late morning sun. SU426877

1 Common Darter

Stephen Burch

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Otmoor, 15 November

3 m Common Darters sunning themselves on the small gate leading to the bird feeder. SP569128
Report of  more nearer the hide

Phil Cruse

Cholsey Marsh, 15 November

 10+ Common Darter, some in tandem

Alan Dawson

Common Darter © Alan Dawson

Saturday 11 November 2023

Lockinge - 11 November

Pool by the weir SU426877:

5+ Common Darter including 1 pair in tandem, ovipositing. 2 sunning themselves on the wooden fence by the weir.

Stephen Burch

Monday 6 November 2023

Lockinge, 5 November

 Pool by the weir SU426877:

7+ Common Darter including 2 pairs in tandem, one of which was ovipositing. Up to 4 sunning themselves on the wooden fence by the weir.

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Radley Lakes, 30 October

1 Willow Emerald (male)
12+ Common Darter

Wayne Bull

Letcombe Valley NR, 31 October

1m Southern Hawker - patrolling the small pond at the N entrance SU377860

Stephen Burch

Monday 30 October 2023

Wroxton College Lakes, 30 October

1 Willow Emerald Damselfly 
6 Common Darter including a pair in tandem

Steve Holliday 

Saturday 28 October 2023

Childrey, 28 October

At duck pond SU361875 in the cool noon sun:

1 Common Darter

Stephen Burch

Friday 27 October 2023

Ardington, 27 October

Crossing School Road, just W of NavTech SU427881:

1 Hawker sp, presumed Migrant

Just before it started raining.

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Lockinge, 24 October am

In the cool morning sun at the pool by the weir SU426877 there was still a little activity:

1 Migrant Hawker 
1 Common Darter on fence by pool below the weir

Stephen Burch

Sunday 22 October 2023

Wroxton College Lakes 22 October

Willow Emerald 11+ including 2 pairs in tandem, one with female ovipositing on Wych elm
Migrant Hawker 2m
Common Darter 6

Steve and Gill Holliday 

Standlake, 22nd October

Near the gate leading to the Langley Lane hide (SP391018) :

Southern Hawker 1
Common Darter 1

Cholsey Meadows - 22 October am

c 7 Willow Emeralds, 2 pairs in cop
2 Migrant Hawker 
Common Darter (many)
Southern Hawker

Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald Damselfly © Alan Dawson

Lockinge - 22 October am

In the warm morning sun at the pool by the weir SU426877 :

5+ Migrant Hawkers (highest count at this site!)
3+ Common Darter

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Port Meadow 17th October

 2 Common Darter enjoying the sunshine along the path from Aristotle Lane to Burgess Field gate

Sunday 8 October 2023

Cholsey Marsh, 8 October

Willow Emerald: Oviposition scars on about 7 branches

Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald oviposition scars © Alan Dawson

Lockinge & Ardington - 8 October

 Lockinge: Pool by weir SU426877

2 Migrant Hawker
1 Ruddy Darter (on fence by path)
c. 4 Common/Ruddy Darter

Ardington: Pool to south of village SU430882

1f Willow Emerald (only the 2nd seen at this site this year)
1 Common Darter with remarkably red pterostigma

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Cholsey Meadows, 3 October

Willow Emerald Damselfly: at least 4 pairs in cop
Many Common Darter ovipositing
Migrant Hawker
Southern Hawker

Alan Dawson 

Willow Emerald Damselflies (c) Alan Dawson 

Friday 29 September 2023

Radley Lakes, 29 September

3 Willow Emerald (Males Orchard Lake)
1 Common Blue Damsel
8 Migrant Hawker
2 Ruddy Darter
10+ Common Darter

Wayne Bull

Willow Emerald Damselfly (c) Wayne Bull

Friday 22 September 2023

University Parks, Oxford - 22 September

1 Common Darter

James Wainscoat 

Common Darter (c) James Wainscoat 

Farmoor, 22nd September

Migrant Hawker 2
Common Darter 9 

Migrant Hawker ♂© David Hastings

Thursday 21 September 2023

Lockinge - 21 September

Pool on Ardington Brook by weir SU425877:

Blue Damselflies 6+
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter 5-10 inc ovipositing tandem pairs

Stephen Burch 

Otmoor - 21 September

1 Willow Emerald - by the bridleway

Steve Roby

Friday 15 September 2023

Radley Lakes, 15th September

Common Blue Damselfly 7
Migrant Hawker 4
Common Darter 10
Ruddy Darter 13

Ruddy Darter ♂© David Hastings

Boundary Brook NR, Oxford - 15 September

Garden Pond

3 Southern Hawker (2m & 1f ovipositing)
1m Ruddy Darter
3+ Common Darter

Large Pond

2m Southern Hawker - probably the same as at the Garden Pond
Common Darter 5-10

Stephen Burch

Southern Hawker head on © Stephen Burch

Southern Hawker sideways on © Stephen Burch

Crop of photo above © Stephen Burch

Southern Hawker close up © Stephen Burch

Bodicote Reservoir, 15 September


3 Willow Emeralds ( 1 pair in tandem & 1 male)
15+ Common Blue Damsels
2 Blue Tailed Damsels
25+ Migrant Hawker
15+ Common Darter

Wayne Bull

Pinkhill, Farmoor, 14 September

2 Southern Hawker, 
2 Migrant Hawker, 
8 Common Darter

James Wainscoat

Migrant Hawker © James Wainscoat

Thursday 14 September 2023

Aston, 14th September

Southern Hawker - female ovipositing amongst the roots of a Yellow Flag Iris in my garden pond.

Southern Hawker ♀© David Hastings

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Farmoor, 13th September

Western Willow Spreadwing - 1 female near Pinkhill
Southern Hawker - 2 (pair in cop at Pinkhill)  
Migrant Hawker - 7
Common Darter - 20+ (at least four pairs in tandem with the female ovipositing at Pinkhill)

I  observed Little Egrets actively hunting dragonflies on the Pinkhill lagoon.

Western Willow Spreadwing ♀© David Hastings

Migrant Hawker ♂© David Hastings

Sideleigh (Fishing) Lake, Bodicote - 13th Sept

11 Willow Emeralds (4 pairs in tandem and 3 males)
8 Common Blue Damsels
6 Blue Tailed Damsels
6 Red Eyed Damsels
10+ Migrant Hawker
4 Brown Hawker
10+ Common Darter
3 Ruddy Darter

Wayne Bull

Willow Emerald Damselfly (m) © Wayne Bull

Willow Emerald Damselfly tandem pair © Wayne Bull

Monday 11 September 2023

Sideleigh (Fishing) Lake, Bodicote - 11th Sept

SP46344 37023

2 Willow Emerald Damsels (m&f)

2 Common Blue Damsels
7 Red Eyed Damsels
2 Migrant Hawker
6 Common Darter 

Wayne Bull

Willow Emerald Damselfly (f) © Wayne Bull

Sunday 10 September 2023

Aston, 10th September

A male Common Darter was in my garden in Aston, west Oxfordshire today.

Common Darter ♂© David Hastings

Farmoor - 8 September

2 Brown  Hawker
10s Darter sp (mostly Common Darters in ovipositing tandem pairs)

James Wainscoat

 Common Darters (ovipositing tandem pairs) © James Wainscoat

Friday 8 September 2023

Wroxton College Lakes: 1230-1430 8 September

Hot, sunny intervals, light winds.

Willow Emerald Damselfly 36+ incl 9 pairs but probably missed some high in lakeside trees. At least 3 pair with female ovipositing on small ash saplings. 23+ around small pool, 13+ around large pool.
Blue-tailed Damselfly 1m
Common Blue Damselfly 10 - 2 pair and 6m
Blue Damselfly sp 50 + over main lake probably Common Blues.
Migrant Hawker 15, mostly males, 1 fem ovipositing
Brown Hawker 2
Southern Hawker 1m 
Ruddy Darter 10 incl 3 pairs, 1 with female ovipositing.
Darter sp 4

Steve Holliday and Gareth Blockley

Willow Emerald Damselfly © Steve Holliday

Thursday 7 September 2023

Faringdon Folly Park pond, 7th September

Blue-tailed Damselfly 4
Red-eyed Damselfly 1
Small Red-eyed Damselfly 7
Southern Hawker 3
Emperor Dragonfly 1
Migrant Hawker 2
Common Darter 10

Probably more SRED, but they were mostly sitting on lilypads out in the lake so not easy to spot.

Small Red-eyed Damselfly♂© David Hastings

Southern Hawker ♂© David Hastings

Ardington - 7 September

 Pool south of village SU430882

1 Willow Emerald Damselfly (first of season at this site, and only a very brief sighting)

On 8 September:

1 Common Darter but no sign of any WE

Stephen Burch

Note: Common Darter in my Wantage garden - first site record!

Trap Grounds - 6 September

3 Willow Emerald Damselflies
6 Ruddy Daters
2 Common Darters

James Wainscoat

Willow Emerald Damselfly © James Waincoat

Otmoor - 5 September

1 Brown Hawker
6 Migrant Hawkers
100s Darters 

James Wainscoat

Migrant Hawker © James Wainscoat

Letcombe Brook in Wantage - 5 September

2 Banded Demoiselle 
1 Blue-tailed damselfly at Ham Mill 
Migrant Hawker 
Common Darter

Mark Bradfield

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Grimsbury Reservoir - 6 September

20+ Willow Emerald, along River Cherwell. In one area 9 pairs and a lone female egg laying on Ash, also individual male(s) in the same area. In another area 2 males.

2 Southern Hawker

12+ Migrant Hawker

5+ Brown Hawker (all egg laying)

Common and Ruddy Darters

2 Common Damselfly

2 Blue-tailed Damselfly 

Radley Lakes - 6 September

8 Common Blue Damsels
30+ Red Eyed Damsels
10+ Migrant Hawker
4 Brown Hawker
2 Southern Hawker
Common and Ruddy Darters

Wayne Bull

Migrant Hawker © Wayne Bull

Migrant Hawker © Wayne Bull

Faringdon Folly Park Pond - 6 September

Small Red-eyed Damselfly: c. 50+ rough estimate
Blue-tailed Damselfly: 1
Emperor: 1 still
Migrant Hawker: 2+
Southern Hawker: 1
Common Darter: c. 50+ rough estimate

Stephen Burch

Migrant Hawker © Stephen Burch

Standlake Pit 60 - 6 September

3+ Common Blue Damselflies
 1 Migrant Hawker

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Otmoor, 5th September

Common Blue Damselfly: 4
Western Willow Spreadwing: 1m, 3f
Southern Hawker: 1
Migrant Hawker: 8
Brown Hawker: 2
Common Darter: 30+ 
Ruddy Darter: 25+

Western Willow Spreadwing ♂© David Hastings

Western Willow Spreadwing ♀© David Hastings

Grove Meadows Storm Water Pond - 5 September

1m Willow Emerald Damselfly (first site record)
2+ Blue-tailed Damselfly (1 pair in cop.)
10+ Small Red-eyed Damselfly - reduced numbers compared with last visit and last year
1-2 Migrant Hawkers
Common Darter 50+, most in cop. ovipositing

Stephen Burch

Willow Emerald Damselfly [focus stacked] © Stephen Burch
Migrant Hawker © Stephen Burch

The Trap Grounds 3rd September

Willow Emerald 2
"Red" Darters 10+

As predicted, Willow Emeralds finally appeared at the Trap Grounds in September on the main pond.


Ruddy Darter

Willow Emerald

Monday 4 September 2023

Cholsey Meadows - 4 September

3 Willow Emerald 
Migrant Hawkers
Common Darter

Alan Dawson

Migrant Hawkers © Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald Damselfly (m) © Alan Dawson

Willow Emerald Damselfly (m) © Alan Dawson

Radley Lakes - 30 August and 4 September

30 August

 1 Emerald Damsel (Female)
10+ Common Blue Damsels
10+ Red Eyed Damsels
1 Small Red Eyed Damsel (Male)
2 Migrant Hawker
1 Southern Hawker
Common & Ruddy Darters

4 September

5 Common Blue Damsels
20+ Red Eyed Damsels
6+ Migrant Hawker
1 Brown Hawker
1 Southern Hawker
4 Ruddy Darter
3 Common Darter

Wayne Bull

Migrant Hawker settled © Wayne Bull

Migrant Hawker in flight © Wayne Bull

Small Red Eyed Damsel (m) © Wayne Bull

Wroxton College Lakes - 3 September

Smaller lake:

10 Willow Emeralds inc. 2 mating pairs with probable egg laying taking pace in some very small ash trees on the bridge
1 Brown Hawker
Several Migrant Hawkers

Michael Higgs

Willow Emerald © Michael Higgs

Aspen Way Ponds, Didcot - 3 September

5 (4m, 1f ovipositing) Willow Emeralds
5 Migrant Hawker
2 Emperor

Ian Lewington

Male Willow Emerald © Ian Lewington
Willow Emerald ovipositing © Ian Lewington

Stadhampton Meadows - 4th Sep pm


Male Willow Emerald (record shot into sun)

Willow Emerald Damselfly (male) - first site record
2 Migrant Hawker
Banded Demoiselles (several male and 2 over-mature fem)

Banded Demoiselle (over-mature female)

Banded Demoiselle (over-mature female)