
Friday 31 May 2024

Chilbridge Field, Eynsham - 29 May

I got quite a surprise reviewing my Verify page on iRecord last night, seeing the photo below, which is a video grab. 

It shows a male Lesser Emperor, perhaps not fully mature, as the blue saddle is less extensive and the eyes are less obviously green than in a fully mature individual. Also the abdomen is more strongly marked. 

It seems this was a chance find by the observer who is new to the world of dragonflies! It flew off strongly shortly after the video was taken.

The location was SP42520902, which is in a publicly accessible "dog walkers" field, reached from Chilbridge lane just past the little bridge.

The origin of this individual is clearly of interest. It is most likely a local breeder, being so early in the season and not fully mature. The question is where it has come from. There are various candidates including Cassington Gravel Pits and the extensive Lower Windrush Valley Gravel Pits around Standlake. Unfortunately there is limited access to many of these lakes. 

Male teneral Lesser Emperor © Katie Jones

Thursday 30 May 2024

Cholsey, Bow Bridge - 30 May

 1 White-legged Damselfly

Alan Dawson

White-legged Damselfly © Alan Dawson

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Cholsey, Bow Bridge - 29 May

Broad-bodied Chaser 1
Four-spotted Chaser 5
Banded Demoiselle  many
Beautiful Demoiselle  many
White-legged Damselfly  1
Azure- many
Large Red Damselfly 5

Alan Dawson

Black-tailed Skimmer (teneral female) © Alan Dawson

Grove Meadows Stormwater Pond - 29 May

Large Red Damselfly 1
Azure Damselfly 50+ mostly tandem pairs out over the water
Four-spotted Chaser 3

Stephen Burch

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Whitecross Green Wood, 27th May

Mostly around the pond at about SP603143

Beautiful Demoiselle 1m
Common Blue Damselfly 20+
Blue-tailed Damselfly 6
Large Red Damselfly 1
Emperor Dragonfly 4
Hairy Hawker 3m, 1f ovipositing 
Four-spotted Chaser 4

David Hastings

Emperor Dragonfly ♂© David Hastings

Four-spotted Chaser ♂© David Hastings

Monday 27 May 2024

Rousham Lakes (Private site) - 27th May

10+ Beautiful Demoielle
60+ Azure Damsels
10+ Red Eyed Damsels
7 Four Spotted Chaser
8+ Downy Emeralds inc 2 Female 1 ovipositing

Wayne Bull

 Downy Emerald (f ovipositing) © Wayne Bull 

Saturday 25 May 2024

Scantlebury Way Stormwater Pond, Wantage - 25 May

Azure Damselfly 20+ most in tandem pairs
Large Red Damselfly 2

Pond is in poor condition with duck weed over all the water's surface and becoming clogged with Bull-rushes etc

Stephen Burch

Cholsey Meadows - 25 May

Azure Damselfly - c80
Banded Demoiselle - many
Beautiful Demoiselle - many
Blue-tailed Damselfly - many 
Large-red Damselfly 
Emperor Dragonfly 
Hairy Dragonfly  - 1
Four-Spotted Chaser - many
Broad-bodied Chaser

Alan Dawson

Emperor Dragonfly © Alan Dawson

Goring area - 25 May

Goring to railway bridge:

Banded Demoiselle - many

Little Meadow

Banded Demoiselle 
White-legged Damselfly 10+ tenerals
Blue-tailed Damselfly

Downstream of railway bridge SU608795

Clubtail 1 - reported by another observer 😟 
Hairy Dragonfly 1-2 

Stephen Burch

White-legged Damselfly (teneral) © Stephen Burch

Thursday 23 May 2024

Cholsey, Bow Bridge - 20 May

Good numbers of Beautiful Demoiselle 
Banded Demoiselle 
Azure Damselfly 
Red-eyed Damselfly 
2 Broad-bodied Chaser (m,f)

Alan Dawson

Broad-bodied Chaser (immature male) © Alan Dawson

Broad-bodied Chaser (female) © Alan Dawson

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Otmoor - 20 May

100s Blue Damselflies
5 Large Red Damselflies
2 Hairy Dragonflies
1 Broad-bodied Chaser

James Wainscoat

Broad-bodied Chaser © James Wainscoat

Azure Damselflies © James Wainscoat

Stratfield Brake - 19th May

10s Blue Damselflies
3 Large Red Damselflies
2f  Beautiful Demoiselles

James Wainscoat

 Beautiful Demoiselle © James Wainscoat

Monday 20 May 2024

Farmoor Reservoir vicinity - 20 May

Hairy Dragonfly - 2+
Four-spotted Chaser - several
Broad-bodied Chaser - several
Banded Demoisel - many
Azure Damselfly - many
Common Blue Damselfly - 2 only
Blue-tailed Damselfly - a few
Red-eyed Damselfly - several
Large red Damselfly - only one noted.

Peter Philp

North Didcot - 19 May

At an undisclosed private site in north Didcot:

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly: 36 (21m, 2f, 13 aurantiaca) including a pair in tandem

Ian Lewington

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (aurantiaca female form) © Ian Lewington

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (aurantiaca) © Ian Lewington

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (f) © Ian Lewington

Didcot: Dida Gardens pond - 20th May


Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (imm fem)

Just one Aurantiaca seen late morning
Plentiful Azure Damselfly
Some Common Blue Damselfly
Some Blue-tailed Damselfly
Some Large Red Damselfly
Four-spotted Chaser

Common Blue Damselfly (imm fem)

Large Red Damselfly

Four-spotted Chaser

Sunday 19 May 2024

Ardley ERF - 19 May

Large numbers of blue damselflies at Ardley ERF today. A few blue-tailed among them. Also:
10+ Broad-bodied Chasers
5+ Four-spotted Chasers
1 Hairy Dragonfly

Gareth Casburn

Four-spotted Chaser © Gareth Casburn

Radley Lakes, Orchard Lake - 19 May

2 Downy Emeralds 
4 Four-spotted Chasers 
8+ Hairy Dragonflies
4+ Red-eyed damsels.
Many Blue damsels.
Numerous Banded Demoiselles along Thames Path.

Phil Cruse

Hairy Dragonfly © Phil Cruse

Red-eyed Damselflies © Phil Cruse

Saturday 18 May 2024

Longford Park, Banbury - 18 May

3 Banded Demoiselle
30+ Large Red Damsels
30+ Azure damsels
10 Blue Tailed Damsels
3 Scarce Blue Tailed Damsels (Females)
1 Hairy Dragonfly

4 Broad Bodied Chaser
3 Four-Spotted Chaser

Wayne Bull

Scarce Blue Tailed Damsel (f)  (c) Wayne Bull 

Scarce Blue Tailed Damsel (f) (c) Wayne Bull

Large Red Damselflies (c) Wayne Bull

Otmoor - 17 May

100s Blue Damselflies
1 Hairy Dragonfly - near the main hide

James Wainscoat 

Azure Damselfly close-up (c) James Wainscoat 

Hairy Dragonfly (c) James Wainscoat 

Friday 17 May 2024

Didcot - 17 May

Dida Gardens Pond:

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly 8 (4m, 4 aurantiaca). Five days earlier than last year.
Blue-tailed Damselfly 8+ including 2 rufescens
Large Red Damselfly 8
Blue Damselflies many
Emperor 1
Broad-bodied Chaser 1
Four-spotted Chaser 

Aspen Way Pond:

Hairy Dragonfly 
Broad-bodied Chaser 2
Four-spotted Chaser 1
Blue-tailed Damselfly 10+ including 3 rufescens
Large Red Damselfly 4

Ian Lewington 

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (aurantiaca) (c) Ian Lewington 

Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly (c) Ian Lewington 

Blue-tailed Damselfly (rufescens) (c) Ian Lewington 

Cholsey Meadows - 17 May


Hairy Dragonflies (c) Alan Dawson 

Radley Lakes 17th May

Common Blue Damselfly : numerous
Azure Damselfly : 10+
Red-eyed Damselfly : 1
Blue-tailed Damselfly : 1
Hairy Hawker : 1
Broad-bodied Chaser : 1
Four-spotted Chaser : 3
Downy Emerald : 2

David Hastings

Blue-tailed Damselfly ♂© David Hastings

Red-eyed Damselfly ♂© David Hastings


Dry Sandford Pit 17th May

Large Red Damselfly : 6
Southern Damselfly : 2 
Common Blue Damselfly : 1
Beautiful Demoiselle : 5 (3m,2f) - first record at this site?

David Hastings

Beautiful Demoiselle ♀© David Hastings

Beautiful Demoiselle♂© David Hastings

Southern Damselfly♂© David Hastings

Southern Damselfly♀© David Hastings

Radley Lakes & Barton Pool - 17 May

1(m) Beautiful Demoiselle 
10+ Banded Demoiselle
5+ Large Red Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Azure Damselfly
~3 Variable Damselfly (Barton Pool)
2 Blue Tailed Damselfly
4+ Hairy Dragonfly
1 Clubtail Dragonfly
4 Four-Spotted Chaser
1(f) Broad Bodied Chaser
3+ Downy Emerald

Jonathan Goult

Clubtail (c) Jonathan Goult 
Variable Damselfly (c) Jonathan Goult

Downy Emerald (c) Jonathan Goult

Thursday 16 May 2024

Cholsey Marsh - 15 May

1 Hairy Dragonfly 
6 Four-spotted Chaser
3 Broad-bodied Chaser
c100 Azure Damselfly 
c12 Large Red Damselfly 
c9 Blue-tailed Damselfly 
Banded Demoiselle 
Beautiful Demoiselle 

Alan Dawson

Hairy Dragonfly © Alan Dawson

Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Trap Grounds 15th May

First visit of the year to the Trap Grounds to look for Odonata:

Down Emerald (nice to see this species again this year at this site)
Hairy Dragonfly
20+ Azure Damselflies (many in pairs)

Standlake Common - 15 May

Pit 60 Langley Lane Hide

1 Hairy Dragonfly
Red-eyed Damselfly 20+
Common Blue Damselfly

Langley Lane Gate SP391021

1m Downy Emerald (first site record?)
1m & 1f Banded Demoiselle
Blue-tailed Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly

Stephen Burch

Banded Demoiselle (and aphid!) © Stephen Burch

Bernwood Meadows - 15 May

1 Broad-bodied Chaser

1 Azure Damselfly

James Wainscoat

Broad-bodied Chaser © James Wainscoat

Azure Damselfly © James Wainscoat

Woodstock area - 15 May


Hundreds of blue damselflies at , mainly Common Blue, with Azure in smaller numbers. 
A few Blue-tailed Damselfly
1 Red-eyed Damselfly

North Woodstock  

Good numbers of Azure Damselflies near the Glyme river, outnumbering Commons in this area.
Good numbers of Large Red Damselflies.

Woodstock Town Meadows  

20+ Beautiful Demoiselles
10+ Banded Demoiselles

Gareth Casburn

Blue-tailed Damselfly © Gareth Casburn

Red-eyed Damselfly © Gareth Casburn

Radley Lakes - 15 May

Azure Damselfly 100+
Common Blue Damselfly 100+
Red-eyed Damselfly 30
Blue-tailed Damselfly 7
Banded Demoiselle 1
Hairy Dragonfly 4
Downy Emerald 1
Four-spotted Chaser 1 (disappointingly)

Brian Walker

Downy Emerald © Brian Walker

Hairy Dragonfly © Brian Walker

Radley Lakes & Barton Pool - 15th May

 20+ Banded Demoiselle
5 Large Red Damsels
Common Blue Damsels
Azure Damsels
7+ Variable Damsels (Barton Pool)
10+ Blue Tailed Damsels
10+ Red Eyed Damsels
8+ Hairy Dragonflies (mostly orchard lake)
17 Four-Spotted Chaser
4+ Downy Emerald (Orchard Lake) 

Wayne Bull

Variable Damselfly © Wayne Bull

Blue-tailed Damselfly © Wayne Bull