
Saturday 11 April 2020


Appreciate that the unprecedented times we are in may not be the most auspicious for launching this blog, but having got it all ready to go in a different era - early March, I intend to give it a try.

This year, instead of hosting the dragonfly latest news for Oxfordshire on my website,, I plan to try this alternative Blog-based method for 2020.

I'm hoping this will further promote and encourage interest in dragonflies and damselflies within the entire current county of Oxfordshire.

This Blog is intended to replace the previous sightings page, which only I could write to, and allows others to post their own material.

Just let me know if you would like to post direct to this site, and I will do the rest.

Another advantage is that comments can be easily added.

While we wait for the first records for 2020, here is quick reminder of the 2019 season.

Keeled Skimmer 
Brown Hawker
Common Clubtail 
Four Spotted Chaser  
Migrant Hawker 
Southern Damselfly

Stephen Burch
April 2020

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