
Wednesday 15 September 2021

Lye Valley, Oxford - Keeled Skimmer sightings

Photos of Keeled Skimmer at the Lye Valley, Oxford have been located on the Friends of the Lye Valley Twitter page, indicating its presence in both 2020 and 2021, with probable breeding given the immature seen this year. They are reproduced here by kind permission of Tony Gillie. 

These photos were taken at the north fen ponds SP5469 0574, per Judy Webb. 

The Lye Valley contains alkaline fen, as found at the Cothill reserves which are the stronghold for this species in Oxon.

Stephen Burch

Immature Keeled Skimmer June 2021 (c) Tony Gillie

Mature male Keeled Skimmer June 2020 (c) Tony Gillie

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