
Wednesday 15 September 2021

Shillingford - 15 September pm

Willow Emerald Damselfly: at least 4 including 1-2 tandem pairs
Blue-tailed Damselfly 1
Southern Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 2+
Common Darter 4+
Ruddy Darter reported

River Thames backwater at SU 5898 9280. 

Note: the car park opposite the Shillingford Bridge Hotel is pay and display. Pay at hotel reception if machine out of order, or risk a £60 fine! 

Stephen Burch

Male Willow Emerald Damselfly © Stephen Burch. Click here for a larger image

Crop of photo above © Stephen Burch
Male Willow Emerald Damselfly © Stephen Burch. Click here for a larger image

Southern Hawker © Stephen Burch. Click here for a larger image

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