1 Common Darter
In the margin of a flooded field SU 574 856.
Paul Chandler
Common Darter (c) Paul Chandler |
A blog for sightings of Dragonflies and Damselflies in Oxfordshire. To submit records and photos for posting, just email stephen_burchemail at yahoo.co.uk. Photos with resolutions up to 1280 pixels may be provided. These will be displayed at a resolution of 640 pixels horizontally but viewers can then click to see them at full resolution
1m and 2f Common Darter
Also two belated Willow Emerald sightings from the southern tip Sunnymead Park:
6 October - 1
8 October - 2
Nick Boyd
One Common Darter by the gate leading to Langley Lane hide. My latest ever British dragonfly sighting.
David Hastings
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Common Darter ♂© David Hastings |
1m Willow Emerald Damselfly
1m Migrant Hawker
11+ Common Darter, including 4 pair in cop, two of which were ovipositing.
Also a belated record of a Common Darter from Balscote Quarry on 9 November
Steve Holliday
I saw five male Common Darters between Pinkhill and Shrike Meadow this morning, and another one in the car park.
David Hastings
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Common Darter ♂© David Hastings |
Pool to SW of village SU430882:
2+ Willow Emerald Damselfly
3+ Common Darter, inc one pair in cop.
Enjoying the absurdly warm sunlight in the top of a small oak tree.
Stephen Burch
During the few brief hours of warm sunshine today, 14 Common Darter and 3 Willow Emerald Damselflies in the Shillingford-Little Wittenham area. In addition, I had a view of a distant blue mosaic hawker (probably Migrant Hawker) but was not able to get a positive id.
Common Darter and Willow Emerald Damselfly records entered in iRecord.
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Common Darter (c) John Bloomfield |
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Common Darter (c) John Bloomfield |
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Willow Emerald Damselfly - male (c) John Bloomfield |
Pool to SW of village SU430882:
2 Willow Emerald Damselfly
1 Darter sp - presumed Common (glimpse only)
Stephen Burch
Some very sad news to report. As some of you may already know, Nicola Devine, one the most prolific contributors to this blog, has died aged only 51.
In 2018, Nicola developed an interest in the dragonflies and damselflies of the Trap Grounds Town Green & Local Wildlife Site, the small urban nature reserve in north Oxford. She then started sending me news and photographs and she quickly became adept at photography and identification. Through her assiduous recording, huge patience, sharp eyes and lengthy almost daily visits, she accumulated an impressive site list for such a small urban reserve and established the Trap Grounds as a key odonata site in the county.
By this summer, she had recorded and photographed a total of 22 different species, including notable finds such as Club-tailed Dragonfly (once), Downy Emerald and Small Red-eyed Damselfly (from 2021). In 2020, Nicola discovered Willow Emerald Damselflies had arrived at the Trap Grounds which was then one of only three known sites for the species in the county. She also confirmed breeding for the first time in the county. As a result, the site started to attract enthusiasts from both within the county and further afield and I understand Nicola then kindly acted as chief spotter, pointing out this diminutive species to all comers!
Since 2019, I am most grateful to have been shown around the reserve by Nicola every year, including this one. Each time I was extraordinarily impressed by her powers of observation, and her patience. In addition to odonata, Nicola was interested in all forms of wildlife and by quietly walking around and waiting she was able to get some wonderful photographs including ones of young Sparrowhawks just out of the nest, and even an inquisitive weasel.
Since summer 2019, Nicola had known that her life was limited by a terminal disease but she bore this with extraordinary fortitude and determination to keep visiting the Trap Grounds as often as possible. She was able to keep getting out until very shortly before her death and even managed to get away for a last late summer holiday.
Nicola will be sorely missed as a source of photographs and information on the varied wildlife of the Trap Grounds.
Catherine Robinson, secretary of the Friends of the Trap Grounds, and I would like to appeal for contributors to this Blog to visit the Trap Grounds during the summer months to photograph and identify the dragonflies and damselflies to be found there. The Trap Grounds reserve is an important site for odonata, but in order to maintain its status, the Friends need continuing evidence and expert advice now that Nicola is no longer with us.
For those of you new to the site, which is open to the public 24/7, the entrance is on the canal towpath in north Oxford, immediately south of the Frenchay Road canal bridge (nearest postcode: OX2 6TF). Maps of the site can be found on the Friends of the Trap Grounds website and Catherine can be contacted through this page on the website.
Here is a small selection of Nicola's huge number of dragonfly photos from her beloved Trap Grounds.
RIP Nicola.
Stephen Burch
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Willow Emerald Damselfly by Nicola Devine The most notable species she found at the Trap Grounds |
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Emergent Southern Hawker by Nicola Devine. The Dragonfly Pond was the place for these in June/July |
Fully mature male Southern Hawker by Nicola Devine. |
Common Darter by Nicola Devine |
A male Common Darter was in my garden in west Oxon at lunchtime today.
David Hastings
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Common Darter ♂© David Hastings |
Migrant Hawker - 1
Common Darter - 6+
David Hastings
Example of numerous Willow Emerald oviposition scars on an ash twig. This is a good method for confirming breeding of this species which is rapidly expanding its range in the county.
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Willow Emerald oviposition scars © Gareth Blockley, Gill and Steve Holliday |
Deborah Dunn has had a very productive year for her daily monitoring of Southern Hawker emergences and exuviae at her small garden pond. This year she counted a remarkable total of 60 exuviae, spread out over an extended period from 29 June to 1 August. She also recorded 12 live emergences.
The plot below shows the daily exuviae counts for comparison with 2020 and 2021. The 2022 total of 60 was by far the highest of these three years and this year was the most extended season so far.
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Daily exuviae counts from a small garden pond in Steeple Aston for 2020 - 2022 |
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A photo of 56 of the 60 exuviae that emerged this year © Deborah Dunn |
A Southern Hawker was ovipositing in my garden pond this afternoon.
David Hastings
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Southern Hawker ♀© David Hastings |
Now that it's October I guess that a sighting of a Migrant Hawker briefly in my garden on Saturday is more significant. No photos I'm afraid.
1 Willow Emerald Damselfly - by the main lake (first ever Oxon record in October)
2 Hawker sp. - one probably a Migrant Hawker.
Steve Holliday
in iRecord
1 Willow Emerald Damselfly - SU245965
Definitely the furthest west record in the county!
Bill Haynes, per iRecord
1m Willow Emerald Damselfly. By the pond.
2 Migrant Hawker
3 Common Darter
Nick Boyd
Willow Emerald Damselfly 1: c 7m up in a conifer at end of Main Lake - the first sighting in this area of the site.
Common Blue Damselfly 14m plus a couple unidentified blue damsels.
Migrant Hawker 5m
Ruddy Darter 3m
Darter sp 1f
At the pond south-west of the village in the afternoon sunshine SU430882:
4+ Willow Emerald Damselfly - including 1m and a tandem pair settling and possibly ovipositing on an Oak tree branch overhanging the water.
4+ Common Darter inc 1 tandem pair
Stephen Burch
A female Southern Hawker was ovipositing in/around my garden pond today.
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Southern Hawker ♀© David hastings |
Around the Duck Pond SP45810750
3m+ Willow Emerald Damselfly
10-20 Common Darter
Ruddy Darter
Hawker sp. Probably Southern
Note: This pond in Wytham Woods is very close to the Upper Pond where this species was first recorded in Oxfordshire - back in 2019!
In iRecord.
Treve Willis
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Male Willow Emerald Damselfly © Treve Willis |
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Male Willow Emerald Damselfly © Treve Willis |
Willow Emerald 1m by Lady Pool
Common Blue Damselfly 3m plus 5 probables
Migrant Hawker 3m by Lady Pool
Black-tailed Skimmer 1m by Main Lake
Ruddy Darter 1m by Lady Pool
Steve and Gill Holliday
Common Darter - pair in tandem, with female ovipositing in garden pond
Southern Hawker - 1 male
7 Willow Emerald Damselflies (3 pairs in cop plus an additional individual), 3 Migrant Hawker, 35 Common Darters (15 pairs in cop and ovipositing plus an additional 5 individuals), 2 Ruddy Darter.
Observations entered in iRecord
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Willow Emerald Damselfly (c) John Bloomfield |
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Migrant Hawker (c) John Bloomfield |
Willow Emerald 1m - by path in wood c100m from location of previous record earlier this week.
Black-tailed skimmer 1m by reservoir.
1m Willow Emerald Damselfly along the river by the wood at SP 46158 42418.
Gareth Blockley
Willow Emerald Damselfly 3. A pair in tandem and a male at Lady Pool. All 3 close together at first on bare twigs some 5m up in a yew by the edge of the pool. The pair drifted off at height and were lost to view despite searching. The male perched for a while on a bare twig before flying off. There are willows and alders around the pool.
Brown Hawker 1 at the same pool.
Steve Holliday
4 Ruddy Darter
4 Common Darter
1-2 Southern Hawker (prob)
Nick Boyd & Helen Edwards
Willow Emerald Damselfly - good numbers at the pond, where first seen in 2021
John Lindley per iRecord
Blue Damselfly sp 1m - the only damselfly seen!
Migrant Hawker 24 - 22m and a pair in cop
Brown Hawker 1
Southern Hawker 1m
Black-tailed Skimmer 2m
Ruddy Darter 3m
Steve and Gill Holliday, Gareth Blockley
in iRecord
Willow Emerald Damselfly 1m. Present for second day, first seen 26/8/22 by Gill Holliday, Steve Holliday. On both days it was perched on bare branches of small ash seedlings. A first for the site.
Azure damselfly 2m
Common blue damselfly 20+ including several pairs in tandem
Blue damselflies, fewer than last visit but 50-100, mainly over main lake.
Blue-tailed damselfly 4 around ponds and along channel
Migrant Hawker 8m, mostly around ponds, a couple away from water
Brown Hawker 1
Black-tailed Skimmer 1m, looking worn.
Common Darter 9, mostly males, included a pair in tandem, with female ovipositing
Ruddy darter 3m by West pond
Note: currently public access during day but occasionally site closed eg for tree work. Restrictions include no dogs. A discretionary donations box at entrance.
in iRecord
Steve Holliday
Willow Emerald Damselfly © Steve Holliday |
Common Darter : 3 pairs in tandem with the females ovipositing in my garden pond
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Common Darter ♂© David Hastings |