
Sunday 29 May 2022

Shillingford to Little Wittenham - 27th & 28th May

Three transects near the R. Thames on Fri 27th May: 58 Banded Demoiselle,  21 Blue-tailed Damselflies, 3 Red-eyed Damselflies, 26 Azure Damselflies, 5 White-legged Damselflies.

On Sat 28th May in Little Wittenham Wood 35 Azure Damselflies and 2 Black-tailed Skimmers, and along the Thames 3 Four-spotted Chasers, 1 Broad-bodied Chaser, and 3 Hairy Dragonflies (including a female ovipositing).

All observations entered in iRecord.

Black-tailed Skimmer (c) John Bloomfield

White-legged Damselfly (c) John Bloomfield

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