
Saturday 11 June 2022

Barton fields and fishing pond & Radley Lakes - 11 June

Barton Field fishing pond:

1 Hairy Dragonfly briefly
Azure Damselfly 20+
Red-eyed Damselfly 1-2
Downy Emerald - possible

Note: this pond is even more overgrown than last year and the best part previously for Variable Damselfly was inaccessible without blazing a trail through thick undergrowth.  

Barton Field

Banded Demoiselle 1f

Thrupp Lake:

Downy Emerald: at least 2m in NW corner from boardwalk - but being constantly harassed by the damselflies and hence never hovering long enough for photos! 
Common Blue Damselfly: many
Red eyed Damselfly: c. 10.

Stephen Burch

Common Blue Damselfly © Stephen Burch

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