
Wednesday 15 June 2022

River Thames NW of Shillingford - 15 June

Scarce Chaser - still present between about 11:40 and 11:50 at exactly the same location - SU 58990 92622. 

Interacting with another darker dragonfly of about the same size. Just possibly a female? In support of this possibility, there are clear dark markings on the abdomen which are caused by copulation. These markings may be more pronounced in the photos taken today than in John's photos from yesterday.

Also reported by Alan Dawson 15:15 - about 50m further along the path

Seen again from 17:00 by Geoff Wyatt.

Thanks v much to John Bloomfield for letting us know so quickly about his great find!

Also in the area:

Banded Demoiselle
White-legged Damselfly 1 - on riverside path closer to hotel

Stephen Burch

Scarce Chaser © Stephen Burch
Scarce Chaser © Stephen Burch

Scarce Chaser © Alan Dawson

Scarce Chaser © Alan Dawson

Scarce Chaser © Alan Dawson

Scarce Chaser © Geoff Wyatt

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