
Sunday 17 July 2022

River Thames, Shillingford - 16 July

3 Common Blue Damselflies, 8 Azure Damselflies, 7 Blue-tailed Damselflies, 10 White-legged Damselflies, 2 Red-eyed Damselflies, 4 Brown hawkers, 1 Black-tailed Skimmer and 2 Common Darters along the Earth Trust River Thames transect.

1 Ruddy Darter and 1 Willow Emerald Damselfly (female) - the latter in willow scrub in the Thames backwater (same area as previous sightings).

1 Common Darter in Little Wittenham Wood.

All sightings entered in iRecord

Willow Emerald Damselfly (female) (c) John Bloomfield


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