
Saturday 27 August 2022

Wroxton College Lakes 27 August

Willow Emerald Damselfly 1m. Present for second day, first seen 26/8/22 by Gill Holliday, Steve Holliday. On both days it was perched on bare branches of small ash seedlings.  A first for the site. 
Azure damselfly 2m
Common blue damselfly 20+ including several pairs in tandem
Blue damselflies, fewer than last visit but 50-100, mainly over main lake.
Blue-tailed damselfly 4 around ponds and along channel
Migrant Hawker 8m, mostly around ponds, a couple away from water
Brown Hawker 1
Black-tailed Skimmer 1m,  looking worn. 
Common Darter 9, mostly males, included a pair in tandem, with female ovipositing
Ruddy darter 3m by West pond

Note: currently public access during day but occasionally site closed eg for tree work. Restrictions include no dogs. A discretionary donations box at entrance. 

in iRecord

Steve Holliday

Willow Emerald Damselfly © Steve Holliday

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