
Friday 26 May 2023

Banbury Area - 19 May - 26 May

19/05/23 - River Cherwell, Grimsbury Reservoir

SP 45901 41728 to SP 46537 42684 but mostly near the railway bridge

Hairy Dragonfly - 1 (teneral male? - picture attached)
Large Red Damselfly - 1 (picture)
Blue-tailed Damselfly -1 
Azure Blue Damselfly - 7 (picture)
Common Blue Damselfly - 3
Beautiful Demoiselle - c.50!
Banded Demoiselle - c.10

20/05/23 - River Cherwell, Grimsbury Reservoir

Location as above

Very similar species with differences being

Hairy Dragonfly - 5 - 4 mature males and a pair in cop
Broad-bodied Chaser - 1 teneral
Large Red Damselfly - 4 (inc. pair in cop)
Numerous teneral Blue Damselflies
Banded Demoiselle - c.20

20/05/23 - Clattercote Reservoir - Mike Pollard

Hairy Dragonfly - 3-4

21/05/23 - River Cherwell, Grimsbury Reservoir - Clive Payne

Hairy Dragonfly - 1

26/05/23 - Clattercote Reservoir

Hairy Dragonfly - min 7 - 6 mature males and a female egg laying and then grabbed by a male and taken up to a tree (picture)
Four-spotted Chaser - 1
Red-eyed Damselfly - min 33 (inc. 6 pairs in cop)
Common Blue Damselfly - 11 (inc. 3 pairs in cop)
Blue-tailed Damselfly - 8
Azure Damselfly - 4 (inc. 1 pair in cop)

Gareth Blockley

Large Red Damselfly © Gareth Blockley

Hairy Dragonfly © Gareth Blockley

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