
Saturday 3 June 2023

Shillingford to Little Wittenham - 3 June

Plenty of Damselflies and Dragonflies recorded on a walk along the Thames from Shillingford and through Little Wittenham Wood with over 500 records and 13 species and including my first sightings of Ruddy Darter for this year.

Banded Demoiselle 32, Large Red Damselfly 9, White-legged Damselfly 27, Azure Damselfly 200+, Common Blue Damselfly 200+, Blue-tailed Damselfly 3, Red-eyed Damselfly 6, Southern Hawker 1, Emperor 9, Common Clubtail 1, Four-spotted Chaser 26, Broad-bodied Chaser 1, Ruddy Darter 6 (all ternal).

Entered in iRecord

Common Clubtail (c) John Bloomfield

Ruddy Darter (c) John Bloomfield

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