
Saturday 17 June 2023

Various sites - 30 April to 16 June

Some recent and few less recent records from two new observers:

Otmoor – 30-4-23

Hairy Dragonfly x 1

Lashford Lane Fen, Dry Sandford – 28-5-23

4-spotted Chaser x 1

River Ock at Ock Brook bridge between W.Hanney & Southmoor – 3-6-23

Beautiful Demoiselles – x 20+ M/F

Farmoor-Pinkhill lagoon from hide – 15-6-23

Black-tailed Skimmers x 20+
Broad-bodied Chasers x 10+

Farmoor-R Thames – 15-6-23

Banded Demoiselles x3 m, x1 f
Red-Eyed Damselfly x 1m

Garden pond at West Hanney – 16-6-23

Azure damselfly x 1m
Large Red damselfly x3m, 1f
Blue-tailed damselfly x1m

Tim & Ali Baker

Large Red Damselfly © Tim Baker

Hairy Dragonfly © Tim Baker

Beautiful Demoiselle © Tim Baker

Banded Demoiselle © Tim Baker

Azure Damselfly © Tim Baker

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