
Thursday 13 July 2023

Whitecross Green Wood - 13 July

 c. 15:00 - c. 16:50

2-3 mature male Southern Migrant Hawker - 1 along ride between car park and cross roads, 1 c. 75 metres to left after cross roads. 1 possible along ride straight on from cross roads 
2-3 Brown Hawker
1-2 Emperor

Took a gamble with the weather that paid off big time! Finally connected with SMH on about the 12th attempt (all previously on Otmoor going back to 2020) - after at least 24 hrs in the field, in total! 

Stephen Burch

Southern Migrant Hawker © Stephen Burch


  1. Well done, everything comes to he that waits!

    1. Thanks Peter. I will remember for a long time suddenly seeing this blue dragonfly just hanging there! I and another watcher had seen it in flight just before but neither of us had seen it land. However it was in the same bush that he'd earlier seen it on!
