
Wednesday 19 June 2024

Whitecross Green Wood, 19th June

10+ Emerald Damselflies
2 Large Red Damselflies
30+ Azure Damselflies
6 Common Blue Damselflies
3 Blue Tailed Damselflies
3 Emperor Dragonflies
1 Southern Migrant Hawker (Female)
2 Broad Bodied Chaser
1 Four Spotted Chaser
2 Black Tailed Skimmer
5 Ruddy Darter

SMH location: SP5980714713. Flying around quite high over a small grassy clearing on the left on the ride from the car park just after the turning to the central ride. It then landed high up in an oak tree.

Wayne Bull

Southern Migrant Hawker (female) © Wayne Bull

Emerald Damselfly (female) © Wayne Bull

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