
Saturday 27 July 2024

Whitecross Green Wood, 27 July

Southern Migrant Hawker - Male in flight then a  pair in tandem
Migrant Hawker  - 24 in total in the wood, my first ones of the year.
Southern Hawker - Male at the main pond
Brown Hawker  - 7 in total
B T Skimmer - One late individual 
Emperor - 5 incl. ovipositing
Emerald Damselfly - 60 plus (50, and 10 at the main pond). Including pairs in tandem
Beautiful Demoiselle  -  Male at the far end of the EW ride where I saw one last visit.
Azure Damselfly  - Many
B T Damselfly - 4 at the main pond
Ruddy Darter  - Many
Common Darter - Numerous but not as many as RD

John Edwards

Southern Migrant Hawkers in cop ©  John Edwards

Southern Migrant Hawkers in cop ©  John Edwards

Emerald Damselfly  ©  John Edwards

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